Ghion Travel & Tours P.L.C.

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Historic RouteTimket Festival at Gondar by Air ( Tour Code: SGTT 04 Duration 10 Days)

This northern historic route trip will show you the ancient civilization of Ethiopia dating back to 3000years in Axum to the medieval civilization of the Gondarian castles. Among the 9 World Heritage Sites in Ethiopia, which registered by UNESCO, 4 are worth to be visited in this route. The Lalibela Rock hewn churches (the 8th wonder of the world), the 17th century Gonderian castles (Camelot of Africa), single standing stele of Axum and the Semien Mountains National Park are acknowledged by UNESCO as a World Heritage. 

Ghion Travel and Tours offers a special fixed time departure Tour for this colorful celebration of Christmas along with the historic route guaranteeing you to offer best hotels and best service. 

Duration: 8 Days / 7 Nights 

Jan 15: Arrival Addis Ababa 
Up on arrival at Bole international airport and met by Ghion travel and tours representative and transfer to hotel. After check in to hotel, city tour of Addis. Which includes national museum- the home of complete hominid fossil remain of Lucy dates 3.2 million years back, mount entoto- the panoramic view from the highest point of Addis with an altitude of 3200 meter above sea level, trinity cathedral- beautiful church with a baroque style of European architecture unique to both Ethiopia and Africa, ethnographic museum and Merkato (the largest open air market in Africa). Overnight in your hotel

Jan 16: Addis- Bahirdar 
Early in the morning, transfer in to airport to fly to Bahirdar. After check-in to hotel journey by sympathetic African plains eventually leads to the mighty Blue Nile fall commonly known as “Tis Isat” (water that smokes). After hiking the cataracts drive back to Bahir dar. Overnight in your hotel

Jan 17: Bahirdar 
After breakfast boat rides on Lake Tana. On Lake Tana time has still stood and dominated by an archaic, dating from early Christian mysticism and the religious interpretations of African art are characterized by the Ethiopian Christianity, and the world’s Old Testament is still practiced. Visit Azua Mariam and Ura kidane Mihret monasteries which are rich in icon painting. Overnight in your hotel 


Jan 18: Bahirdar- Gondar
After breakfast drive to Gondar, which was one of the hidden cities of the foreign trade area in the 17th century AD, Gondar is the site of ancient castle building palaces of different emperors constructed in the European middle age architectural style. After check-in to hotel visit the curious symbiosis of Ethiopian and Portuguese architectural representation of the royal enclosure which is also known as” the Camelot of Africa”, the iconic church of Debre Birehan selassie, bath of king Fasilledes which still in use for the colorful celebration of Ethiopian epiphany (Timket). Overnight in your hotel 

Jan 19: Gondar

After breakfast, enjoy the colorful Timket festival where thousands of people gather at the center of Gondar wearing colorful chanting dresses and the people wearing traditional Gondar cloth as. Afternoon enjoy some of the sightseeing. Overnight in your hotel

Jan 20: Gonder- Axum 
In the morning, transfer in to airport to fly to the ancient town of Axum. after check-in to hotel visit The archaeological and historical attractions in Axum; which include, The Archaeological Museum, Monolithic Steles, The Tombs of King Kaleb and King Gebre Meskal, and the legendary Bath of the Queen of Sheba, and the ruins of ancient palace of Queen Sheba. You also visit the new and the old Cathedral of St Mary of Zion and the sanctuary that houses the original Arc of the covenant. The 16th Century Cathedral of St Mary of Zion was probably built on an earlier 4th century church, and is the holiest church in Ethiopia. In its sanctuary is said to rest the original Ark of the Covenant. Overnight in your hotel 

Jan 21: Axum-Lalibela 
In the morning, transfer in to airport to fly to the legendary and the framed of Ascetic Mountain town of Lalibela. After check-in to hotel, full day visits the 12th c. Rock-Hewn Churches; Lalibela is famous for its rock hewn churches and these brilliant feats of engineering and architecture are often referred to as the 8th wonder of the World. There are many rock churches in Lalibela some hidden in enormous caves. Overnight  in your hotel 

Jan 22- Lalibela- Addis 
In the morning, transfer in to airport to fly back to Addis Ababa. In the afternoon, you will have leisure and shopping time. Evening you will have traditional farewell dinner in one of the best restaurant in Addis Ababa followed by folkloric dance of different Ethiopian nations. Then transfer to airport to fly back home where the tour ends

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